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When you enquire about the group and supply your Name and Address you will be added to our newsletter postal mailing list for the next three months. If you supply an E-Mail address you will be added to the E-Mail mailing list until you choose to unsubscribe from the list.
The newsletter includes a two month program of events, so you'll have plenty of time to work out your schedule. We recommend that you come to one or two of our functions as a non-member before applying for membership.
Once you have joined there are no further fees (other than event costs).
NEWS FLASH From April 1, 2002, all members will receive an entry for each paid function they attend and will go into the Monthly draw to win a free meal at the function of their choice. (Prize valid for standard Dinner functions only - not special events or long weekend functions) (Tickets not given out at free functions. i.e. Drinks Nights etc) (Membership card must be presented at each function to qualify)
Winners are listed in the Members Area of the website.
So don't sit at home with only the computer or television for company!

To join or to find out more

  • Ring our mobile phone 0409 341 196 and leave a message so that we can contact you. Allow one or two days delay. Remember, we are all volunteers running the club in our own spare time.
  • Write to The Young Professionals GPO Box 1625 Brisbane Qld. 4001. The mailbox is checked at least once a month.
E-Mail this site to a friend.
If you wish to become a member an application form is available in pdf format. Initial 'associate' membership is for 6 months, followed by annual renewals.

Please fill in the following details to be added to our Mailing List.
What is your name?

What is your Profession (Type of Job or Title)?

What is your Date of Birth?
What is your contact number?

E-mail address?

Would you like a Young Professionals Committee Member
to phone you with more information about the group
or to answer any further questions you may have?

How did you hear about Young Professionals?