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Our aim is to provide friendly, informal social events for members and encourage them to build up a circle of close friends.
We have functions every weekend, usually on a Saturday night, with the occasional mid-week or Sunday function. We go to a wide variety of restaurants to relax, socialise and enjoy an informal meal.
Our functions attract large groups - about 20 to 30 people on average, many of whom have recently discovered the fun of YP or are attending their first function.
Other activities include barbecues, weekend trips, going to the movies, Latin dancing, and sporting activities such as tennis and rock climbing.

Do you have an idea for a function? LET US KNOW.
What is your name?

What is your contact number?

E-mail address?

What is your Idea?

Would you like a Young Professionals Member
to assist you with planning this function?

No. I am confident I can organise this
Yes, I could use some help
No. It's just a suggestion